Monday night saw 20mph into the face of dinas. I hate fishing into the wind usually, having done it once at newborough on a foul night. it wasnt too cold however, and we'd had a cracking digging session in the straits with plenty lug to show for it, and a couple of peelers, so Dinas it was.
Literally ran out my lecture to get to the car to pick up Ed and Gav and we were on our way, reaching the end car park at 2 hours before high.
Unfortunately it was dark when we got there, but i knew roughly where I wanted to be, so we set up about 13-15 minute walk towards fort belan.

Ed and Gav managed to set up as close as humanly possible to me on the 8 mile beach, and Ed lobbed out a peeler lug pennel out as far as possible for a stray codling, and a 2 hook flapper a bit closer for the bass. Gav chucked a 2 hook flapper with lug and peeler out at a decent distance too.
I used a packeted 2 hook flapper from malcs as i was feeling rich, but i find the hooklengths very long, especially as you want a quick strike and hookup with bass, so i take the hooklengths to about 6 inches, with a couple of glowing beads put on above the hook, sparked up before each cast.

I was the only one to catch, courtesy of the glowing beads :p with a schoolie of about 26cm, then a second at 32cm. Nothing huge, but nice to catch the target fish!
Thursday saw the exact same plan, this time with Dave, Mark and Rick. Mark bagged himself a monster whiting, and I managed my biggest Bass of the year so far at 40cm. All fish were returned to catch again another day.
Oh my cod, what a catch l. Shame the others floundered about and went home pouting though!